Leadership Styles In 'Remember The Titans'

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Remember the Titans Leadership Styles
In Remember the Titans there are many examples of authoritarian, delegative, and participative leadership styles. There will be two thorough examples for each type of leadership style. I will then identify an effective leader. I will also identify an ineffective leader. After that I will talk about two characters that leadership styles changed through the movie.
An authoritarian leader is a leader is someone who doesn’t take input from the group, but makes decisions based on what they think is best for the group. One of the many authoritarian leaders in this movie is Julius because he was telling everyone on the bus ride to camp to shut up. Another example that Julius is authoritarian is when Gary asks about Julius’s family so they don’t have to keep doing three a day practices Julius decided to not talk about his family because he knew Gary didn’t really want to know about him and just wanted to not have to do practices. He also still put a poster up in his room he shared with Gary during camp even though Gary told him to take it down. Another authoritarian leader is Gary because he had the team huddle up at practice and he …show more content…

A delegative leader in the book is Coach Boone because he gave the Coach Yoast the defence coach job. Another time when Boone was delegative was when Coach Yoast tried to give Boone his output Boone says, “you worry about your defense and I’ll worry about my offence”. One other example of a delegative leader is the school board because they thought he would do good at being a coach and they were right because at the end Coach Yoast says, “ You're the right man for the job” to Coach Boone. Both Coach Boone and the school board are two examples of delegative leaders because they gave tasks to different people based on skill and thought by putting in those skills the team would

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