Law Enforcement In America Essay

1593 Words4 Pages

Blaine Rodriguez


Research Paper 2

Law enforcement in America has developed tremendously from its humble beginnings in the 1600s and 1700s. The day to day duties and knowledge required to be successful in this career in my opinion are quite uncredited. If there is one thing I have learned this semester, law enforcement takes a very specific individual and isn’t for the faint of heart.

As stated in the introduction, the four main policing entities came about beginning in the early 1600s. A constable was the first appointed law enforcement officer. He was called to oversee a group of men that guarded the town called the watch. With mass amounts of Africans being relocated to the colonies, slave patrols were operating …show more content…

The rise of major cities, the abolishment of slavery at the end of the Civil War, and the Industrial Revolution forever changed America . With all the change happenin, politics was greatly influencing policing and therefore the political era was born. There was minimal training and selection standards, everything was controlled by politicians. Both black policeman and female police officers, police matrons, were introduced in this time period. It is very important to note the investigation methods of this era as a measure of progress. Detectives used methods of rogues gallery, Bertillonage system, dragnet, and third degree as a means of gathering …show more content…

Community oriented policing has affected the modern era because citizens are important, their satisfaction is a huge goal. Problem-oriented policing arose in the 1980s and the goal here is “to solve specific problems that affect the quality of life of community residents” (Brandl 302). With coproduction for crime prevention, a safer community is the sought after goal. Other methods of policing affecting the modern day include: smart policing, data-driven and evidence-based policing, predictive policing, and intelligence led policing. My observation from these different styles of policing is that they are basically trial and error research experiments. These ultimately affect the modern day of policing in a sense that they can influence the decisions made on separate levels of

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