Latinx Research Paper

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I believe education is the basic principal to achieving success. This success is achieved through several principles and values that are introduced by Latinx guardians. Education can be defined, in my own words, as the life-lasting process of receiving or teaching lessons from other individuals. These individuals, as stated, being friends, counselors, and most of the time teachers. Education can also be identified as a mandatory requirement by the Board of Education. Although it is a requirement for students in the United States (for K-12), for many Latinx students, education is seen as an opportunity for success. The opportunity for success, is seen as an opportunity, because in many cases, parents of Latinx students weren’t able to get an education in their lifetime. For example, we have my parents, uncles, aunts, and other family members who their highest level of education was 6th grade in a local school in a suburban ranch. My parents were able to migrate from their ranch to give us the “opportunity,” as my parents put it, for us to achieve what they weren't able to do. For me and many of my Latinx friends, we pressure ourselves to try to become successful and achieve the “American Dream,” and the only way we can …show more content…

What does this mean? By the American lifestyle, I mean the place where many are introduced to English, the American way of teaching, and the place where student is student is surrounded by a diverse among of individuals. Using my personal example, when I entered school, I was introduced to the language of English. I had heard the language in educational cartoons, however I had never understood it until I got to elementary school. If it wasn’t for the early lessons of English, I would have had difficulties with the Language. Now, without the English language, individuals (like my parents) are setback in careers leading to multiple

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