Lake Campgrounds Creative Writing

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The day it happened...April 24… it all happened so fast. it was a wave, blurred by fear and pain. My sister, and I were awakening the morning of the 23th, sunlight poured through our windows filling the room like a canteen. My dad called from downstairs in the kitchen, “Rise and shine girls!” Alex(my sister) answered back,” We will be down in a sec.” As Alex and I made our way downstairs, we grabbed our camping bags. My dad, Alex, and I were going camping in a new spot! Spotty Lake Campgrounds! We were planning this trip ever since the new grounds opened. Alex and I were giddy with excitement. Once we finished eating were off to the road. Although the car ride was only a few hours it felt like an eternity. Eventually, we reached the campgrounds and hopped out of the car. The moment we got out of the car the air had a certain feel… like something was out of place. This thought left my brain as soon as it came. I didn't feel it held much importance, so I decided to not give it anymore attention. We soon approached the campgrounds and set up a fire, tents, and extra wood for kindling. The evening dragged on, and by the time we had finished putting out the fire I had made my way to my tent. As I dozed off the same out of place feeling came to the front …show more content…

This is the NWS, there has been an active volcano report in the Spotty Lake Campgrounds. If you are 10 miles or closer evacuate immediately. This is the NWS reporting to you live.” The noise of the walkie-talkie clipped on my dads hip felt as if it had brought a depressing presence. Every inch of me had been terrified.My dad had said that we needed to stay calm,we needed to stay together, and run. We were off, as we ran through the camp we heard the moans,cries, and sobbs of the sad families that were camping at Spotty Lake as well , and lastly we heard the loud whispers of the aggravated volcano. We had been running for 25 minutes and my energy was draining like gasoline on

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