Labelin Labeling Teens: Article Analysis

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People can be stereotypical when it comes to labeling teenagers. In school, teens are giving a name based on whom they hang out with and how they treat others. Classifying others can be positive and negative. Other people look at who you are because of who your friends are. I think that is being stereotypical. In Rosalind Wiseman’s article, she informs the reader about different groups of people in school. People think differently about certain situations. Everyone is different in his or her own ways. Although your friends can influence you to do things, it does not mean you are just like them. The torn bystander from the article is someone that wants to do the right thing, but has trouble because she wants to stay in the clique. The author states, “The status she gets from the group is very important, and the thought of standing up to the more powerful girls in the clique is terrifying.” Most girls are scared to stand up the girl “in charge”. A torn bystander knows the right thing to do, but her clique influences her because of her fear of standing up and doing the right thing. People look at her like she is a bad person just like the rest of the girls in her clique, but really she is the good person. …show more content…

If the label is true, it will let others know how the person is and how they will act. To me, I think it lets you know who to be friends with and not to be friends with. It all depends on how you act and treat others. There are labels that some people want to have. For instance, I think the Floater from the article is a good label to have. The author states, “ Girls want to be the Floater because she has confidence, people genuinely like her, and she’s nice to everyone.” People like the floater are good people; they stand up for themselves but not in a mean way. They are friends with everyone, and will always look out for

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