Kolby's Case Study

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Introduction – 45 to 60 seconds
Kolby is determined to convince his parents to change his weekday curfew from 6:30pm to 8:00pm.
If he gets his wish, he will be able to join a sports club that meets daily throughout the week.
In order to provide a convincing argument, Kolby wrote down a list of reasons why joining the club would help him excel in athletics.
He also wrote down how responsible he’s been when it comes to keeping up with his chores and helping out around the house.
Kolby is hoping that his persuasive letter will convince his parents to side with him and allow him to join the sports club.
Usually, when we write, it is for a reason. In Kolby’s case, he is writing to persuade his parents to change his curfew.
Other reasons why authors write is to inform or entertain. The acronym P.I.E. is a good way to remember this. …show more content…

Build on Introduction – 25 to 35 seconds
Keisha is an aspiring writer. Ever since she was in preschool, she loved to tell stories.
One day Keisha shared one of her made up stories with her grandfather, who enjoyed it so much he told her that she should write them down.
Keisha spent that summer writing down all of her humorous stories and sharing them with friends. The primary purpose of Keisha’s writing is to entertain others.
There are three reasons why authors write. It is usually to persuade, inform, or entertain. These reasons can be remembered by using the acronym P.I.E.

Build on Clip B – 25 to 35 seconds
Keisha discovered that one of her stories is far more popular than the others. It is a story about a girl overcoming the bullies at her school.
At first the girl was saddened by the harsh words of her bullies, but that sadness didn’t last

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