Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory

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1. Describe what “experiential learning” is, and compare it to behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, and constructionism.
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) is a four part learning process that contains both behavioral and cognitive theory aspects (Spector, 2016). Behaviorism is defined by observing a learner’s actions and reactions to their environment to explain learning (Spector, 2016). According to Jonassen, behaviorism only focuses on what the learner can do and how behavioral dispositions are shaped by selective reinforcement, but behaviorism doesn’t include the learner’s mental capabilities (Objectivism versus constructivism: Do we need a new philosophical paradigm?, 1991). The basic concept of ELT is “learning by doing”. This concept is similar to Papert’s constructionism.
Constructionism focuses on the art of learning and on the significance of making things while learning. Papert’s theory involves how learners engage with their own or other people’s artifacts, and how these activities can increase self-directed learning, and ultimately facilitate the construction of new knowledge (Ackermann, 2001). During ELT, the learner has experiences, which is consistent with behaviorism and constructionism. Next …show more content…

From a theoretical perspective, simulation experiences allow for experiential learning through interactive behavioral experiences that have various levels of realism to patient factors. Research into issues with human patient simulators center around cost and access to HPS and training, limited training of instructors and operators, and continued restriction toward realism (Issenberg & Scalese, 2008; Jeffries, 2012). However, simulation experiences require cognitive ability such as critical thinking, decision-making, and reflection by the students (Jeffries, 2012; Nehring, Ellis, & Lashley, 2001), which could be problematic in some

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