King Loar's Character Changes In The Play King Lear

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I chose this topic to show readers how the characters motives changed throughout the story. This is my thoughts on why they changed; because of one girl who stood up to her father changed so much which was like a domino effect and which made most characters change from within.
King Lear
At the beginning of the play King Lear decides to divide his kingdom between his three daughters. He asked which one of them loved him the most. He uses their answer to decide how to divide his kingdom. This shows how uncaring and selfish he is. His two older daughters know their father’s true character and flatter him to get what they want. They know this is what motivates him, flattery that feeds his pride. Eventually his love of praise and flattery will be the reason he is destroyed and then dies. His youngest daughter, Cordelia does not give him the answer he wants so he flies into a rage and then disowns her. He is too blind to realize that she is the one who really loves him. He also doesn’t care that by disowning her, he will make it hard for her to get a husband. King Lear is a ruler who cares only about all the things that come with being the king, especially his title. At the end, he comes to realize that it is Cordelia who really loves him. He would rather go to prison with her than to be the king again.

We can all relate King Lear in a way. Sometimes people flatter us and tell us what we want to hear in order to get what they want. The people who really care about us, like the Cordelia’s of the world, tell us what we need to hear and are straight with us. Unlike King Lear, hopefully we don’t find out the hard way, who really has our back.
Cordelia is an honest and beautiful character in this play. She does not fall for t...

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... kind of redemption. This causes some conflict with the readers. It seems that we are able to forgive those who realize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
Duke of Albany
The Duke of Albany is the husband of Regan. He appears to be weak and unaware of his wife’s cruelty and affair with Edmund. But at the end he finally sees who she really is. He is the character who changes the most. He finally realizes what is happening and then attacks and arrests Edmund. He also becomes angry with his wife and lets her know that he is aware of what she had done. He reminds me of the friend wle have that has a cheating girl and won’t listen to his friends. Deep down he probably knows the truth but doesn’t want to face it because he loves her too much. Sometimes it better that they find out for themselves because it can turn them against you and cause you to love a friend.

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