King Alfred The Great Research Paper

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Alfred the Great (886ce to 899ce) Alfred was the youngest of 5 children. When his father died in 858ce, his eldest son became king, and within 20 years all 4 of Alfred's brothers had died. This led Alfred to become king. As a young child Alfred loved learn and memorised poems. Being the last born son, Alfred was given a career in the church, but this was not what he desired to do, and instead he decided on a career as a scholar. Alfred was not the average king. He encourages learning in young men and he loved to help protect people of all classes. In 870ce Alfred went to war against the Vikings, and the Battle of Ashdown was the first war the Vikings had lost. The Vikings had conquered all of the Anglo Saxon Kingdoms except Wessex (Alfred’s kingdom). Eight years later Alfre fought the Danish King and his army. With the surprise attack by the Danes, Alfred was lucky to escape with only a few of his men. Alfred the built his army and counter attacked the Danes. The battle was a fierce war. Alfred came out victorious and negotiated for the Vikings to turn to Christianity, they also had to remain on the Eastern side of Britain in Danelaw. …show more content…

Once he became king, he encouraged learning and literacy. He promoted this for men in nobility, even if they had little time to do so. Alfred made a statute of laws so that England could progress as a country. The statute declared a written law and provided a guideline for everyone to live by, it gave structure and improved obedience. In Alfred’s own

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