Keystone Habits Of College Students

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I was reading a quote from writer Dee Hock which stated, “An organization, no matter how well designed, is only as good as the people who live and work in it.” This was an amazing quote it really agreed with the fact many students who are successful at the beginning of college end up quitting before they get a degree. Since becoming a college student I have learned that willpower is the single most important keystone habit for individual success and I’ve also learned self-discipline has a bigger effect on academic performance than does intellectual talent but sometimes things happen beyond the power of willpower. Growing up life was very rough for me, ever since I was sixteen years old I have held a job. I learned at an early age on how to be responsible. I was taught self-discipline in order to provide great customer service. I worked very hard to become assistant manager at Murphy USA and I even went to training classes that taught me how to apply self-discipline in my daily work place. My whole life was based off values and self-discipline was primary. I knew I had the brains for college but somehow I was failing, it wasn’t the lack of wisdom but the fact that in life things just happen with no one but life to blame. …show more content…

All of a sudden, life hit me I was homeless with no form of transportation, no resources for funds it was like I was going through a major crisis. Being that I had so much going on in my life I stopped going to class, as a result I ended up failing. Now behind in all of my classes I was worried, I didn’t want to fail because of things I had no control over. I knew getting a college education was something I desperately wanted, and I knew I had to do whatever it took for me to pass my first

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