Key Life Factors

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In life, many people are looking for wealth, health and happiness. It is easy to look for these factors in a number of things. Unfortunately, many people chase down these things their entire lives and fail to find them. However, there are four key life factors that play a role in whether or not you'll experience health and happiness. If these four life factors are in order, you're on the right trajectory to experience the abundance that life has to offer.

1. Relationships
Someone once stated that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Having love in your life makes you a better person. You learn how to care for someone else's needs and experience companionship. Love doesn't necessarily need to come in the form of romantic love either. Best friends, parents, siblings and extended family members are wonderful relationships to …show more content…

When a woman is in financial strain, she's often fearful and in a constant state of anxiety. When a man is in financial strain, this plummets his self-esteem. Unfortunately, many people tie their self-worth to their net worth. While it is important to deal with the self-esteem and anxiety issues separately, learning how to manage and create wealth will truly lead to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

3. Education
The more you learn, the more you earn. If you don't provide value to a company or the marketplace, no one will freely hand you money. Consider going to school to get a degree. Focus on subjects that you know you could do really well in. For example, someone with a lot of business savvy might want to consider going back to school to get a graduate degree like an MBA.

4. Self-Care
When you work yourself to the bone, you'll find that it's difficult to function at optimal levels. Take a vacation. Go to the spa. Enjoy a day off with friends. Get a massage. Choose a cut-off time and turn your phone off to relax. Self-care is so important for mental health and physical preservation as

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