Ken Liu's Heavy Use Of Origami Animals In Paper Menagerie

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Ken Liu’s heavy use of fantastical symbolism within “Paper Menagerie” in the form of origami animals expresses the idea that people should never forget their past, because their past is what defines them. This use of fantastical symbolism holds true throughout the story, with the origami animals representing Jack’s childhood, more specifically, his time with his mother. The way Jack’s mother breathes life into the animals demonstrates his association with her and his exciting childhood. This is shown in how “She breathed into them so that they shared her breath, and thus moved with her life.” (65). Her ability to breathe life into paper animals is clearly symbolic. It represents his nostalgic memories of his childhood. More specifically, all the love his mother gave to him. At this point, his relationship with his mother was very good. In fact I'd go so far as to say, it began with her breathing life into Laohu. After all, he didn't stop crying until she did. It felt so immensely exciting at the time, that his mind remembering it puts him in a state of nostalgia. He can only remember it fondly, that’s what nostalgia is. Also, whenever he describes the animals, his mother is always involved somehow. Either by making them, fixing them, or simply being remembered when they are spoken of. Laohu being torn apart and repaired poorly is …show more content…

Jack keeps growing farther and farther apart from his mother throughout the story, and this is demonstrated through the condition of the animals breaking down, and more so through the way he pushes away the animals like he did his mother. However, Jack inevitably comes back to his roots; the animals, despite all the effort he puts into leaving them behind. This is something we all must do eventually. No matter how far we stray from our roots, we have to come back sometime, whether we do it soon after straying away, or on our very

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