Kawasaki Syndrome

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Kawasaki Syndrome (KS) is an acute, generalized systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology that often involves the coronary arteries, indicating KS as a main causative factor of acquired heart disease in American children (). KS causes more than 5,000 hospitalizations per year with 75%-85% of cases occurring in children younger than 5 years of age (). KS divided into 3 phases: acute, sub-acute, convalescent. Clinical diagnosis of KS is based on the combination of a fever > 5 days and 4 specific physical exam findings (). Fever, an essential KS diagnostic criteria, lasts for 5 days, peaks above 39°C (102°F) and is refractory to antipyretics (). Polymorphous exanthemas, persists for 10-14 days, are generalized over trunk, extremities and skin

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