Kate Burnham: A Toronto Cook Allegations

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A Toronto cook alleges she was badgered about her sexuality, touched without consent and subjected to a sexist work atmosphere by three former bosses at one of the city’s most popular, high-profile restaurants.
Between July 2012 and January 2014, Kate Burnham, a former pastry chef at Weslodge restaurant, was routinely sexually harassed and abused at the King Street W. eatery, according to the application she has filed in Ontario’s Human Rights Tribunal.
Burnham, now 24, is seeking $225,000 in damages and formal apologies from each of her alleged harassers. She is also asking the tribunal to order Weslodge staff and each of the three former chefs to take training in how to spot and stop sexual harassment. Burnham is being represented in her …show more content…

Burnham’s application alleges that day sous chef Dan Lidbury called her names, such as “angry dyke,” bombarded her with lewd questions, grabbed her breasts and, when she wouldn’t allow his advances, warned that her “attitude” put her on “thin f—king ice.”
Chef du cuisine Kanida Chey regularly harassed Burnham, even grabbing her crotch, according to the application, and he and Lidbury told her she was “harassed,” because she “was hot” and “that kind of attention is flattering.” The application also alleges that night sous chef Colin Mercer made repeated jokes about Burnham’s sexual orientation and “smacked” her rear with a metal flipper “so hard she could not sit down.”
Weslodge, which calls itself a modern-day saloon and is one of several properties co-owned by INK Entertainment and ICON Legacy Hospitality, failed to investigate Burnham’s complaints, which were “well-known,” her application …show more content…

In an interview, she alleged a senior manager stroked her thigh in the deserted dining room one night after her shift ended.
She left Weslodge soon after, she says, moved on and didn’t look back. She says she regrets not following up with her tribunal application.
Several accounts from Burnham’s former colleagues illustrate the sexually charged atmosphere that she describes at Weslodge. In a witness statement filed in support of Burham’s tribunal application, Sophie Han, 28, a former Weslodge cook, called the working atmosphere “anarchy.”
When she ran into her own problems with harassment at Weslodge, she “would have to kick back and threaten my managers with a knife if they came any closer,” according to her witness statement. Han often felt “your only option was to quit,” Han says in the statement.
Burnham told the Star she needed her nighttime job at the saloon to help pay for a part-time English degree at the University of Toronto. Since Chey had the power to fire her, she says she reached out to Weslodge’s daytime sous chef, Dan Lidbury, for help.
He had the power to bring Burnham onto his team for the lunch shift. According to her tribunal application, Lidbury promised to “protect” her from

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