Kant's Necessary To Posit The Noumenal World

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19. Why did Kant think it necessary to posit the existence of the noumenal world?
Positing the existence of the noumenal world was necessary in order to establish the right boundaries of reason. Phenomena is everything that is observed by the five senses. Kant saw the efforts to describe noumena, or that which exists outside of the senses, as a means of describing or categorizing phenomena. These categories are the sum of human reasoning. The establishment of noumena is therefore necessary in order to fully understand human reasoning.
20. Describe the moral dimension as Kant understood it.
Morality is based on the categorical imperative, or the act of carrying out principles that can be universally rightly applied. Moral philosophy, according to Kant, is finding the base principle of a moral metaphysics. Ultimately, Kant’s foundational moral rests on moral agreement or …show more content…

The right motive is to do the right thing, or to do one’s duty. According to Kant, the only good thing in itself is a good will, because evil is seen as a mistake in reasoning or error in logic. As a result, even a good action could be evil if it is not done with a good will (right intention), because it would be the result of mistaken reasoning. Right reasoning always leads to doing things for the right reason, which is the same as Kant’s concept of good will. While other good actions may have a certain quality to them, they are not good in themselves due to the faulty reasoning.
22. What is a Maxim? What makes a maxim moral in Kantian term?
For Kant, a maxim refers to law, a law personally embraced (my law, for me…) and universal law. A maxim is moral when it comes from an individual with a Good Will. One should only act according to a maxim that can be universally applied. Such a maxim is moral.
23. What Kantian problem was Rawls addressing with his theory of justices? What did Rawls offer as an

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