Kane's Immaturity In Citizen Kane, By Charles Foster Kane

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In the film, Citizen Kane, Charles Foster Kane’s immaturity, wealth, power, stubbornness and lack of love turn him into an corrupted figure. Kane grew up with Mr. Thatcher but takes no advice from him, and purposefully go against his will. Kane lives his own way of life, and unaware of what is "normal" and what is not. Kane’s wealth and power makes him think that he can get whatever he wants just by using the two. His stubbornness does not allow him to admit mistakes, and makes him more and more ego. Lastly, not knowing how to love someone Kane does not have the ability to care about others. Charles Foster Kane was forced to be separated from his parents at a really young age, and raised up by a rich man, Walter Thatcher. The intention for Kane’s parents to send him off to Mr. Thatcher is good, but the result of their action came out bad. Kane was too young to …show more content…

Kane is stubborn over his wealth, his power, his image, and thus his empathy no longer exists. Almost non of the things that Kane does shows that he truly cares about others, he is disrespectful toward Mr. Thatcher even though he raised him up, he fired his only “friend” Jedidiah Leland without any regret, and he made both of his wives leave him. Susan said to Kane, “You’re… it’s like you were bribing me! That’s what it’s been from the first moment I met you. No matter how much it cost you, your time, your money, that’s what you’ve done with everybody you’ve ever known. Tired to bribe them!” Perhaps it is because of Kane’s lack of family support when he grew up, he knows nothing about love. Kane was never being loved, and therefore he does not know how to love someone back. The only way Kane knows how to make others happy is by money and power, but the reality is that those two are not what truly makes one

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