Juvenile Delinquency

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Juvenile delinquency is the participation of illegal behavior by minors. Usually crimes committed by a child under the age of 18. The young people who usually live in difficult circumstances are the ones who are at risk of becoming “delinquents.” Juvenile delinquency is becoming more complicated and universal. This is a local problem happening in our cities today. It is easy for people to view “juvenile delinquents” as thugs or criminals. The reality is many of these so called “delinquents” has either been abused, lack proper supervision and support, or have been untreated fairly in schools. In juvenile cases children are alleged to have broken a law or (laws) starting from staying out pass curfews to a charge of murder. There are special procedures that have been created to deal with youth who have broken the law. There are five basics on juvenile delinquency. Which include what is a juvenile delinquency matter? , juvenile delinquent court process, juvenile traffic offender, certifying a minor as an adult, and limited public access to juvenile delinquency cases . There are a lot of statistics behind this topic. In 2008, an estimated 60 percent of children in the U.S. were exposed to violence, crime, or abuse in their homes, schools, and communities says the U.S. census bureau. The juvenile justice system discusses how juvenile justice focuses more on rehabilitation rather than punishment and meeting the goals for juvenile justice is becoming a struggle for a lot agencies. All children will go through changes as they grow from childhood to adulthood. This change is and significant part of one’s development, known as adolescence. The relationship a child has with his/her family is a big impact on why most young teenagers... ... middle of paper ... ...is harassed in a school setting. School shootings have helped focus more attention on school crime. Many of the kids doing the crime have lack of supervision from peers, parents, and teachers. Children who feel neglected or feel alone are mostly prone to alienation and drug use. Schools located in the cities tend to experience more criminal behaviors than a school in a rural area. Violence is more likely to happen in large schools vs. smaller ones Schools that experience crimes and drug abuse are mostly found in disorganized neighborhoods. Schools attempt to ensure safety between students in staff by using mechanical devices but as we see that don’t always help. Research shows that many of the perpetrators of school crime have been or are victims of delinquency themselves. The focus of delinquency entitled “Does school crime reflect neighborhood delinquency?”

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