Justin Scott's Corpse Colloquy

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In Justin Scott’s Corpse Colloquy, the author gives a glimpse of how death mimics the living. How the Segregation of human life by race, Class, and religion is just the same as it is as in a graveyard. Jewish people are all grouped together all have the Star of David, to groups of individuals who belonged to a particular group whose tombstones are etched with a masons crest on them. Even the forgotten whom are placed into a common grave.
In life are we not still segregated all by the mentioned above? This is the author’s purpose to show how our time as a corpse mimics that of us while we were alive. And that Segregation still runs abundant, both in life and in death. Even though everyone dies, the dead still have something to teach us. On how we should not concern with frivolous things such as race, creed, or wealth. By looking at this shadow world we need to reflect how this represents a look at a more …show more content…

This shows how we as a people are our own masters of our undoing letting money, religion and even social groups separate us rather than bring us closer to one another.
His use of arguments between the segregation of all, and how it mimics out own lives is clear-cut and simple and to the point leaving little to the imagination of the reader.
This is supported by markers on the gravestones of mason’s symbols or by religion such as the Star of David, So as to go far as to say “we are medicated to be placid and unfeeling” .Also that we spend money in death as we do in life to afford what we can to show off our prominence in death.. Then Scott jumps to one thing we all have in common and only one that stands out. How all of us no matter what our backgrounds are we live, pay taxes, and we die. This is the only description the author gives, and it’s very

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