Just Mercy Book Report

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The author of Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson, narrated the book. He was also the lawyer who represented the people he wrote about, mainly working with people on death row. He ran a non-profit organization called the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) to improve the justice system and get people the right sentencing. The justice system from the 1980s to now has made changes, but not enough. EJI is working to end mistreatment of those sent to death row, children or people with disabilities going to adult prison, and children sent to and abused in adult jails. The main trial Stevenson refers to is Walter McMillian, an innocent man who served six years on death row for a murder he did not commit. Walter was held on death row before even being convicted …show more content…

His trial only lasted a day and a half; most trials last 3-7 days. Three people testified against Walter and the jury ignored many alibi witnesses who were black, they stated how Walter was at a fish fry the time of the murder, one of the women at the fish fry said “We were standing next to him that whole morning. We know where he was.... We know what he was doing!” (page 79) Walters' mechanic also had an engine; his truck was even out at the time. The judge overrode the jury's sentencing for life and sentenced Walter to death. They questioned Myers and he said he didn't know anything but they said if he did not testify against Walter he would be convicted to death row as well, Bill Hooks willingly lied on his testimony to get money and out of jail. All this happened because the sheriff's department needed to convict someone of Ronda Morrison's murder and instead of doing the right investigation, they decided to put an innocent man on death row and took years of his life away. He was so traumatized by being on death row he even got dementia. Stevenson mainly represented people on death row but Joe Sullivan was a 13 year old boy who was mentally disabled and was sexually and physically abused as a child. Joe was coursed into helping these two boys get into the empty house and they stole jewelry and money. Later that day, the house owner was sexually assaulted.

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