Julius Caesar Motivation

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I strongly believe that with enough motivation and hard work, one can do lots of huge things in the window of a lifetime. Open any history textbook and it’s easy to see where I’m coming from. Most, if not all, of the people worth mentioning in there had something crazy and out-of-the-ordinary they wanted to accomplish, and they either succeeded in achieving their goal, or failed miserably. Nobody hears or reads about people who do what everybody else does. People hear and read about people who go against the normal way of thinking; against the machine. People hear and read about people who dare to do what nobody else does. Motivation and hard work is what separates the ones who wanted to be great, and the ones who were.
My personal goals are …show more content…

But producing and directing films is what I’d much rather be doing than watching them on TV like everyone else. I’m not going to lie; I don’t have much experience with success in my filmmaking journey so far. I have made far more mistakes than progress. But for me, knowing how to learn from my mistakes is key to soldiering on through the regret that comes along with making them, which then allows room for progress.
I was the only one in my 10th grade English class who chose to present a self-produced video of a scene from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. I just knew everyone was going to love it, because it was easily the most creative project in the class. With the days looming closer to the project due date, I had to get the ball rolling. I called and asked my friend to come and help me with the project one evening and we quickly prepared to film. We set up a large tent for the scene, built a fire for light, put up a …show more content…

They prove that my mistakes and failures mean something. One of the main people I think about here is Steven Spielberg. He certainly didn’t give up when he was faced with failure, he got back up and kept trying. It takes lots of motivation and hard work to become great; and at least I know I’m on the right

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