Judy's Argument Essay On Abortion

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No matter who you ask, it is evident that the topic of abortion is very controversial. In Judy’s situation, being a fifteen year old sophomore, getting pregnant unexpectedly and not being able to talk to her parents about the situation, I believe that abortion is the right way to go. Although for Judy to get an abortion in her state she needs parental consent because she is a minor. I don't agree that states should require parental consent for minors to have an abortion. There are many teens that have the same situation as Judy and if you can’t care for your child you shouldn't put him or her through suffering while you try to provide. This essay will focus on how Judy should be able to get an abortion with support from Warren and Thompson as well as an objection from Marquis. Warren believes that women can get an abortion at anytime she pleases. She states women have the right to choose whether they want to get an abortion or not, that an actual person’s rights outweigh nonperson’s rights.(Neuner Lecture Notes). Warren states that a person is someone who has Consciousness, Reasoning, Self-Motivated Activity, Self-Awareness, and Communication. To Warren a fetus is not a person with rights. In Judy’s situation Warren would say it is …show more content…

Thomson states that women does not have to be a Good Samaritan, go out of his way, at some cost to himself, to help one in need of it, but only needs to be a Minimally Decent Samaritan ( Thomson Article PG. 3). Because Judy is young and probably scared it is morally permissible for her to get an abortion. Judy would have to turn into a Good Samaritan if she decided to keep her baby. She would have to give up school, her social life, and would have greater responsibilities such as chores and getting a job to support the child. If you only need to be a Minimally Decent Samaritan it is not necessary for a fifteen year old to have to go through all

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