Joyas Voladoras

777 Words2 Pages

ian Doyle’s message was not very clear in the beginning of the passage but became more clear at the end. The heart is a symbol that represents life, love, emotions, and many other structures that make humans and animals alike come alive. He just wrote about the life of a hummingbird and its from beginning to end with a few examples of the chambers of a whale’s heart. Also, Doyle presents a few examples of animals that have different number of chambers and how they learn to survive being different, surviving by the number of chambers they have. But at the end, they would all still die like everyone else, but just either earlier or later. Finally, Brain explains about how a heart holds our lifetime. Our heart pumps non stop, not even stopping for some rest, but when it does, we die, a painless death at the end. I believe the message that Brian Doyle is saying in Joyas Voladoras is that no matter how miniscule or large ones’ heart is, it can still be strong or delicate (scientifically & metaphorically) it is very important to us either physically or emotionally. (Joyas Voladoras, Doyle) Line #97-98. “So much held in a heart in a day, an hour, a moment.” This means that no matter what we do, we must live under the condition of the heart, no matter if we are alone or with others. A small beating thing in your heart is worth more than you realize as it would be. It holds your lifetime; the past, present, and future. All hearts, no matter how big or small, we have our own limits.
In chunk one from lines 1 to 60, Doyle explains all about the life of a hummingbird from beginning to end. He tells facts about how hummingbirds are only found in the Americas. Yet, the heart of a hummingbird is so small that it takes a big portion in its ...

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