Journey To My Past: Responses to Silent Dancing Story

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Journey To My Past: Responses to Silent Dancing Story

1 Journal of Reading Silent Dancing

Many people say, "Do not judge a book by its cover," but the cover of this book drew me into a journey of reading. The line of the letters Silent Dancing is on top; just below that is a picture of a beautiful four-year old girl. Perhaps she lives with a wealthy family; the girl looks so cute and pretty in her dress. Like many other young girls who usually love toys, she is holding a rattlebox; however, she does not pay attention to the toy in her hands. The young girl appears sad because of wide opened eyes that seem interested of what is in front of her. The quiet lips that have no smile make her look shy and older than her time. Why does this young girl have a feature of sadness? This picture seems to suggest that after reading Silent Dancing I should have the proper answer to that question.

Silent Dancing is a garden of many stories in the childhood of a Puerto Rican girl, Judith Ortiz Cofer. Some chapters in her book are very exciting because her memory sometimes stimulates mine. There are many remembrances that are evoked by the reading this book.

2 Reading "More Room"

When I first read the caption "More Room," I did not guess that the main character in this chapter was an unhappy person. Soon after reading, I understood she was a sad woman because of only a reason: she could easily get pregnant (actually she had many children). That woman's situation reminds me of my mother. What are the similarities between this character and my Mom? A simple thing: they both were mothers of many children and sometimes felt full of cares when they knew they were carrying another baby. The sound is simple but the fact is not. Like many ...

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... tiny paper clothes. Some characters in Cofer's childhood were exciting just like some of the people in my childhood, but the ending of her childhood and mine were very different. At the age of fifteen, Cofer had some boyfriends; they loved and admired her. She fell in love for the first time and learned a lesson about the love; she also was no longer a child at the age of fifteen. However, the ending of my childhood was caused by a war. Like the rope of a kite was broken in the raging wind, my childhood's kite disappeared into the sky. The tragedies of the war fell upon the people in my family and my country; they shattered my innocent childhood when I was only a thirteen years old girl. Although everyone has a different memory about their life, and each of us has special ending to our childhood, reading Silent Dancing gave me the urge to recall these remembrances.

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