Joseph's Father Research Paper

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Joseph’s father showed favoritism to him and gave him a beautiful coat. Joseph had been given a gift from God to have dreams about the future. His Brothers didn’t want to hear about his dreams because they were about them bowing down to their little brother. They were jealous of Joseph, and they wanted Joseph to be gone. When Jealously comes in it makes, you do stuff you probably would never usually do. Joseph showed that he had respect for himself and for King Potiphar when the King’s wife tried to get Joseph to have sex with her. That situation also showed that Joseph was strong in his beliefs and mortals and knew it was wrong to have sex with a married woman especially in her husband’s home. Joseph also has a lot of patience because he how to keep telling King Potiphar’s wife that he didn’t want to, and it wasn’t right. Genesis 39:9-10 (NIV) “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God? And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her.”It showed in a whole that Joseph was a good Christian and that he had morals and was going to stick to them. …show more content…

While Joseph was in prison he interprets a couple of dreams, those dreams came from the cupbearer and the baker of the Pharaoh of Egypt. Later Pharaoh has a dream, but no one knew what it meant and the Cupbearer reminders Joseph after the cupbearer had been out of prison for two years and tells the Pharaoh about Joseph interpreting his dream. Joseph got to interpret the Pharaoh's dream, and Joseph saves the people from starving. Joseph was loyal to the Lord and that is what led him to his position of influence and

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