Joint Arthritis Research Paper

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There are many different places and ways arthritis pain can manifest itself in the body. For some people, the pain associated with arthritis may not be persistent or inconvenient enough for them to seek arthritis treatment in Frisco, TX. For others, it may be severe enough to keep them from working or enjoying life, or, they may simply be unwilling to let their pain develop to that point. Here are four kinds of arthritis that people will seek arthritis treatment for in Frisco, TX.

Joint Arthritis
Joint arthritis is probably kind of arthritis that is the most commonly thought of and recognized by the majority of people. Symptoms of this type of arthritis include pain, swelling and tenderness in the joints, as well as limited movement. Warmth …show more content…

As the loss of cartilage continues, the end result is bone rubbing on bone as the joint loses more and more protection. For many people this pain can be extremely severe and debilitating.

Psoriatic Arthritis
Also known as PsA, this type of arthritis is actually the result of an autoimmune inflammatory disease where the body’s immune system attacks the connective tissue of tendons and ligaments in joints. This immune system attack is what causes the inflammation and the subsequent pain. The skin is also a target of the immune system, which is what causes the associated psoriasis skin condition.

You my be surprised to learn that gout is actually a manifestation of inflammatory arthritis. However, unlike other types of arthritis, it is highly localized to a specific part of the body and doesn’t cause a widespread inflammatory response in the body. The inflammation itself is caused by an excess of uric acid, which builds up in crystal form in the joints, causing pain. You will typically see this type of pain manifested in the joint of the big toe on your foot, and the onset can be very

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