Johnny Gat: A Short Story

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After a failed attempt to rob a bank owned by the Syndicate, the Saints lost Johnny Gat. The infamous gang from Stilwater declared war on Phillipe Loren and, in a matter of days, the once relatively quiet city of Steelport was turned into a war zone. After bringing him and the Morningstar down, the Saints were finally able to bury their fallen comrade. However, there were other plans. As the funeral procession attempted to drive back to Stilwater, they were attacked by Killbane, who had taken over as head of the Syndicate. Nearly a thousand people were killed and countless others were severely injured. Senator Monica Hughes, after losing her husband to gang-related violence, had reached her breaking point. It was time to call in STAG. The anti-gang …show more content…

"I felt that the moment we met. That connection." Shaundi stilled. "What?" That one word was laced with disbelief and disgust. The man leaned towards her, his coffee colored strands of hair catching the sun. He gave her his best smoldering look, willing her to fall for his charm. "Forbidden love." "Oh my God, can I just shoot this guy?" Shaundi looked at Pierce and Oleg. "Play nice, now." All four heads turned towards the stairway to see their leader descending the stairs. Jamien's eyes gave Shaundi a clear warning, but his smile was playful. "You got the stuff, Pierce?" Oleg and Pierce both reached down for a dark green duffel bag that sat at their feet, but Oleg got to it first. "Allow me, friend." He dropped the bag on the chess board, scattering pieces everywhere. "You did that on purpose." Pierce frowned. Oleg gave an innocent shrug. "Alright, let's go STAG hunting." Jamien picked up the bag. Downstairs, there were two Saints cars parked at the curb, both painted harlequin purple, one a two door Sovereign and the other a four door Infuego. "Think you can pick a fight with STAG by yourself?" Jamien tossed a surprised look to Pierce, who was moving towards the sports car. "Oh, you're not coming?" He approached his

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