John Winthrop Model Of Christian Charity

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John Winthrop was the leader of the Puritans who were on their way to settle in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. On the voyage over John Winthrop gave a sermon on the ship to everyone that was on board the boat. This sermon became famous and was later give the name “A Model of Christian Charity”. The travellers on the boat were given a forewarning of what they needed to be successful and the consequences that could possibly occur. In the sermon John Winthrop outlines what is necessary for this colony to be successful and why this specific colony is being put under a microscope to view either their success or demise. The “A Model of Christian Charity” sermon is an insightful monologue that I believe were guidelines for all of the settlers to know that if they followed these guidelines that they will not fail. …show more content…

John Winthrop believed all of these things would help the new colony become an extremely successful and prosperous colony. The travelers and especially John Winthrop were very big on their relationship with God and what they believed that this is what God truly wanted them to do. In the sermon, the reasons or otherwise called guidelines that were given all had to do with God’s desires for the

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