John Safran Foer's Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

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Trauma affects the brain in a unique way. It can influence a person to write a whole story or stay completely silent their whole life. In John Safran Foer’s novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, he uses his own real life experiences to create a story of how people deal with traumatizing experiences from the Holocaust to 9/11. Foer writes more emotionally than historically and focuses on how people reacted in these events and how their lives change forever (Beautiful). Oskar Schell is one of the three main characters and narrators in the story. He is nine-years old and lives in New York. Oskar is always preoccupied with his own thoughts such as:
“What about a teakettle? What if the spout opened and closed when the steam came out so it …show more content…

Oskar’s grandfather is like John Safran Foer in the sense that he writes everything he thinks about...because he cannot speak. The Grandfather’s narration is through letters saying how sorry he is for not being able to talk. He starts by saying “To my unborn child: I haven’t always been silent, I used to talk and talk...the silence took me like a cancer…” (Fore 16). When he was young, Dresden Germany where he lived was bombed and his whole family died including his pregnant wife Anna. He writes phrases into his notebook and has the words ‘yes’ and ‘no’ tattooed onto his hands. He later moved to AMerica to get over the loss of Anna and happens to meet his sister. Thomas doesn’t love Anna but he marries her anyways. However when she gets pregnant, the Grandpa moves away and does not come back for a long time because he cannot live with himself (Fore …show more content…

Walter Kern for example highly praises this book. “Such a high visual kicker, doesn’t need a title or even text” (Everything is included. He also call for brainy and playful. “Is contained a wealth of pictures and attention grabbing elements.” Another critic, Faber from the guardian says Foer was much more in his element in his first book Everything is Illuminated. He thinks that Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close “promises you Ground zero but detours toward Land of Oz with Neverland in between. Some writers take offence these subjects saying the Foer does not have the “right” to express his feelings on this

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