John Muir's Trip To Yosemite Valley

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Would you go on a adventure with President Roosevelt to Yosemite Valley?
John muir and Roosevelt went on a trip to Yosemite Valley, John Muir was a famous outdoorsman and preservationist. Muir Quickly discovered that the President deeply loved the outdoors and had a great understanding of nature. My topic of my paper is That you might think theres nothing in common with you and a friend but you dont know until you guys hangout. Just like President Roosevelt and John they didnt know they had the same favorite bird until they went to Yosemite together. Three things I will discuss are Birds, Yosemite National Park, and a adventure.

Birds, John Muir cared little for birds or bird songs, and knew little about them. But John and Roosevelt liked the same bird the water-ouzels. "The only birds he noticed or cared for …show more content…

The valley was, Muir wrote, "the grandest of all nature's temples". In March 1903, help appeared. Muir recieved a letter from President Roosevelt himself, Proposing a camping trip in Yosemite and asking Muir to be his guide "I do not want anyone with me but you," Roosevelt wrote. I got this evidence in passage 1 and paragraph 7, I thought this was good evidence because its talking about the national park and how the president wanted John Muir to go with him to it.
Adventure, John and Roosevelt had the best adventure. "The next morning, the campers rode to the top of Glacier Point, The splender of Yosemite valley mesmerized Roosevelt, "I wouldn't miss this for anything," he said. "This is dee-lightful!". "Muir was also delighted-with the President. "I had a perfectly glorious time with the President and the moutains," he later wrote. "I never had a more interesting, hearty companion." I got this evidence in passage 1 and paragraph 13, I thought this was good evidence because its talking about how they loved their

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