John Millington Synge's Romantic Vision of the Aran Islands

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John Millington Synge's Romantic Vision of the Aran Islands

When John Millington Synge made his way to the western most islands of Ireland he was in search of inspiration for his writing. The fruit of his journey was the fame-winning book entitled “The Aran Islands”. Synge had many purposes for this book, but one of the most compelling was his desire to write an anthropologically geared account of the people and lifestyle of what many believed to be the last bastion of true Irishness. However, Synge’s anthropological work could not avoid the strong Romantic tendencies that influenced his writing. In my opinion it is Synge’s Romanticism that makes his account more believable. The tenants of Romanticism call for the writer to be at once awed with nature and somewhat set apart from the “noble savages” that he is writing about. Synge’s awe of nature is necessary for the anthropological nature of the book because the environment of the Aran Islands is instrumental in the understanding the psyches of the people, and his Romanticism produces the vivid imagery needed for the reader to understand the landscape. The fact that Synge sees the people of the Aran Islands as a different race from himself, in my opinion, provides him with more perspective and thus allows him to relate the events and personalities of the people with a more accurate and essentially unbiased voice.

One of the most important aspects of anthropology is the understanding of how a culture relates to their environment. Thus, Synge’s imagery of the islands is instrumental in the reader’s grasp of the people and the culture which Synge is trying to describe. Synge develops the landscape in two different wa...

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Synge found the inspiration he was looking for when he entered the Aran Islands. He set out to write an anthropological record of one of the remotest cultures inhabiting Europe. To accomplish this Synge needed to be both acutely aware of his surroundings but also detached from them in order to provide his reader with vivid imagery and unbiased prose. Synge’s Romantic style of writing aided him in this venture because it motivated him to write extensively about the landscape of the Aran Islands, which is instrumental in the readers understanding of the islander’s culture. It also provided him with a belief in the “noble savage” which enabled him to at once hold himself above the islanders and yet respect them and their culture. This attitude kept him separate from the people and thus able to provide the reader with a more detached recounting of his experience.

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