Jim Crow Laws

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Jim Crow Laws Jim Crow laws are laws which were meant to segregate whites from blacks and to prohibit blacks from obtaining the same social status as whites. Jim Crow laws were in effect for nearly a century, from around 1875 to approximately 1964. These laws were primarily used in South but were also loosely used in the North. These laws came from the post war South where racial stresses were still high. With the passing of these laws came violence and aggression for those, for and against these laws. The South was hard to change, as is the world. Jim Crow laws came from Thomas “Daddy” Rice, who was infamous for Blackface and who acted as a slave named Jim. Jim’s last name came from his owner who had the same last name. The term Jim Crow was adapted to mean racial segregation and was commonly accepted by white southerners. Jim Crow laws were similar to the Black Codes used during the reconstruction era of the south post-Civil War. These laws were a social change for whites as well as blacks because blacks were always in the lives of the whites whether it being a cook, servants, field hands and so on. “Before the Civil war, the supervision of slaves required that whites live in proximity to blacks” (Dunn 31). Racial prejudice was found throughout the country and this made the passing of Jim Crow laws easier in southern government. “1883 Supreme Court struck down the 1875 civil rights act, saying that is exceeded Congress’s power”(831 Jim). Jim Crow laws separated colored people from whites and forced them to inferior living conditions as well as denying black’s equal economic opportunities. Many laws were put in place to keep blacks separated from whites and when they were together, the engagements were closely regulat... ... middle of paper ... ... to make colored citizens less equal and to segregate them from the white society. The laws were harsh and unjust and deprived blacks and other colored races from economic and social opportunities. The laws were met with outrage and defiance among both the colored races and some whites. Though the laws are gone along with most of their creators, the mind set of superiority is still found in this country and in the world. Works Cited Dunn, John M. The Civil Rights Movement. San Diego: Lucent book, 1998. Print. "Jim Crow Laws." UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History. Ed. Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr, and Rebecca Valentine. Detroit: UXL, 2009. 829-31. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 12 Feb. 2014. Pilgrim, David. "What Was Jim Crow." Ferris State University. Ferris State University, 2000. Web. 14 Feb. 2014. .

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