Nuremberg & Jim Crow Laws

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There were many struggles back in the day, and the most brutal struggle was racism between people. There were many races that were targeted, but it was African Americans who suffered racism above all the other races. To this day racism exists, but it is not as harsh as it was before. Jews aside from the African Americans were also a race that was targeted in the past. The two races that I would like to enlighten people on are the African Americans and the Jews. These two races had different race laws that separated them. For the African Americans, they had the Jim Crow Laws that were used to treat them unequally, and for the Jews they had the Nuremberg Laws. I believe that these laws were unfair, and were no way to treat human beings. These laws will be unraveled thoroughly and will reveal how harsh these laws were to certain races of people. First off, I would like to begin with the Jim Crow Laws. The Jim Crow Laws were racist laws that were created for African Americans in 1876. This law separated African Americans from white Americans. There are many examples how the Jim Crow Laws affected African Americans; For instance, African Americans had separate schools, transportation, restrooms, and restaurants apart from white Americans. In 1865, the government provided protection for African Americans who were once slaves. The Jim Crow laws seemed unfair to African Americans, but even if they thought this, the Supreme Court couldn’t help them. As long as the laws were “separate but equal”, they were considered to be constitutional. Time passed and it seemed like African Americans learned to live with these laws, but that soon changed after the World War II occurrence. After World War II, Africans felt that they deserved to be treate... ... middle of paper ... eating my lunch, I heard one of the girls ask me “Why are you sitting here?” At first I didn’t realize she was talking to me, but as soon as I did I replied with “I feel like sitting here”. She then said, “I don’t want any dog eaters to sit next to me”. I was astonished when she said that, I couldn’t believe my ears. I was angry, because what she said was so absurd. I then replied “If you don’t want to sit next to me, then you could go sit somewhere else, and by the way I don’t eat dogs”. The two girls then were talking to each other, and after about five minutes they left. I never thought that I would ever be discriminated in that way. It’s not a good feeling at all, and it makes me consider that people were discriminated all the time back then. I then told myself I won’t ever discriminate anyone in my life, and then I realized you have to be the better person.

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