Jill Savage The Power Of A Mother's Love

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Jill Savage article "The power of a mother's Love'' the article provide an overview of the unconditional love, the value and presence of a woman in the home, just like Rose in August Wilson play "fences". The narrator explains that rose play a very important role in the family and she is always there when ever the children her and Troy needs her. The most telling moment for Rose is when she agrees to help raise Raynell. When Troy mistress Alberta dies in child birth, Troy begs Rose to be a mother to Alberta baby, and Rose replied by saying "okay, troy... you're right, I'll take care of your baby for you...cause she's innocent...and you can't visit the sins of the father upon the child. A motherless child got a hard time. From right now...this child got a mother.''(Wilson 1076). This means, despite all Rose has gone through in the hands of Troy cheating on her, she accepted to play the role of a mother in the life of Raynell after the death of her mother. …show more content…

While troy discourage Cory's dream of playing football, Rose supports her son ambitions, and tries to convince her husband that time have changed since he Played sports, that Cory's skin color will not stop him from a future in sport, like it might have in the past. Rose states that "why don't you let the boy go ahead and play football, troy?... Time have changed from when you was young, Troy. People change. The world's changing around you and you can't even see it.'' (Wilson 1053). This statement explains that Rose was a supporting mother and she always want the best for her children. She played a role of a mother by giving Troy the reason why he should let Cory play

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