Jesus Christ: An Explanation Of Virtue Ethics

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Virtue ethics is a character-based philosophical approach to morality. It seeks to understand and live a life of moral character. While, it seem easier to determine whether consequentialism or deontology probably influence the making an ethical decision retrospectively. The actual moral value of an act cannot be determined retroactively from the future, where one already knows the consequences. As such, whether or not one is acting virtuously is determined at the time of the act, given one's intent, one's skill in reasoning, and the context of the act. In this regard, virtue theory assumes that, as humans, we acquire virtue through practice. Therefore, by practicing being honest, brave, just, generous, and compassionate, a person develops an honorable and moral character. Virtue ethics proposes that by honing these virtuous …show more content…

I argue that neither consequentialism nor deontology is a better moral philosophy in terms of agreeing with Christianity as a lifestyle. I am of the opinion that Jesus Christ was probably a virtue-ethicist (the third major ethical theory). Jesus Christ's greatest teaching, love, is neither consequentialist nor deontological. It is very squarely in the realm of virtue-ethics. All the examples of Jesus Christ’s central teaching of love are not at all contrary to the Law of Moses, in fact, in every case of it, the teaching goes further in the same direction. For example, Judaic laws condemned killing; Jesus condemns hate and anger. The law forbade adultery; Jesus declared that a lustful look is virtual adultery. However, we observe further that Jesus not only tells us what we

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