Jellyfish Creative Writing

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I was sitting on the boat ready to fly, buckling myself into the harness. Just waiting for my turn. I had butterflies so bad I thought I was going to be sick. Then it was my turn. I stepped up and the captain buckled me into the parachute. He asked if I wanted to be dipped into the water. I wanted to feel the full effect so I said yes. As I took off I felt so free. Parasailing was so smooth, gliding across the wind with my feet dangling. The boats beneath me looked liked tiny little specks. It was amazing to see all the marine life lurking beneath me. There were thousands of jellyfish, a family of sea turtles, and even a shark! As I started to come down amazed with what I was seeing, I remembered I was going to be dipped into the water. I started to freak out. It looked like I was going to be dropped right onto the top of a jellyfish, but this was the least of my worries. The only thing I could think about was that shark I had seen just a few minutes ago. As the water was nearing, I pulled my feet to my chest and closed my eyes scared of what was going to happen. Then I was in the water thankfully it only lasted a few seconds, then I was done.
When I was sitting on the beach with my family we decided to get paddled boards. At first It was hard to get the hang of it. I was nervous to stand up, so for awhile I just paddled around sitting. Then …show more content…

This sounded cool and I went. It felt like hours had passed and we hadn't seen anything. I was starting to get bored just floating around. Then the captain shouted there’s one! I was excited. I would finally get to see a dolphin up close in the wild. There were six of them and one of them was a baby! They jumped around in the wake behind the boat. It was like they were laughing with each other just having so much fun. They were extremely happy. It was one of the most amazing things to

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