Jean Bodel's Le Jeu De Saint Nicholas

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Jean Bodel is one of the most well-known poets and playwrights of his time. He was born and raised in Arras, France, a city that was notorious for it’s theatre scene in 1167. Bodel grew up to be an accomplished story-teller and composer of fictive works such as his timelessly popular Le Jeu de Saint Nicolas (Play of Saint Nicholas), the very first miracle play in French. Fortunately, there is also substantial information about Jean Bodel and the life he lead thanks to his piece written in 1202, Les Conges, a leave-taking poem that he wrote while living in a lazar house after contracting Leprosy before dying in 1210 ( According to Britannica, it is thought that in addition to writing, Jean Bodel may have had his hand in the …show more content…

A Muslim king’s domain is under siege by Christians and the King’s men defeat the invading band of Christians except one: an old wise man who is found praying to a statue of Saint Nicholas. Upon questioning, the old man informs the King that Saint Nicholas is worshipped in order to protect one’s prosperity. The King is skeptical of these claims and decides to put the old man and the statue to the test. He gives an ultimatum stating that, on the condition that the icon works and the King’s treasury is successfully protected, the old man will be released. If the man’s statement does not hold true, he’ll be executed. News of what is happening gets around to local taverns and a group of vandals catches wind of it. The thieves steal the King’s treasure and try to make a run for it, but Saint Nicholas himself appears and stops them in their tracks. This experience has frightened them so much that they return the treasure to the King. The old wise man is freed and in lieu of the Saint’s appearance, the Muslim people decide to convert to Christianity (…). This piece is thought to have been an entreaty to the Christian people that they join the Fourth Crusade and help to conquer Jerusalem. Although the story of Saint Nicholas was one of his best known pieces, Jean Bodel also wrote short lyrical narratives called pastourelles - five, to be

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