Jealousy in A Winter's Tale

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Jealousy in A Winter's Tale

By the time Leontes has become certain his suspicions that his wife is

having an affair are true he is undoubtedly in the grip of a mental

illness. This is the main reason behind the development of his

jealousy of Polixenes. Leontes and Polixenes have been close friends

since an early age but Leontes seems to forget this friendship whilst

jealousy takes him over as he think he is seeing his wife moving away

from him.


The problem, ironically, is started by Leontes. Leontes is desperate

for Polixenes to stay longer with him in Sicily but Polixenes refuses

on the grounds that he has a child back in Bohemia and that he must go

home and be an active king again. Leontes fails to tempt Polixenes

into staying an extra few weeks due to the blunt way in which he tries

to persuade Polixenes. For example Leontes says simply “Stay your

thanks a while, and pay them when you part” without making an effort

at arguing why he would like Polixenes to stay. Leontes then invites

his wife to try persuading Polixenes to stay. She succeeds in talking

Polixenes round into staying. This is the first point at which Leontes

feels there is some kind of chemistry between Polixenes and Hermione

and the start of his jealousy towards the two. Leontes feels that

Polixenes is only staying as his love, Hermione, has asked him to.

Leontes later says of Hermione “Let what is dead in Sicily be cheap”

referring to what Leontes senses at that moment when Hermione succeeds

in persuading Polixenes to stay. Leontes sees what he describes as

their “whispering”, their “cheek to cheek”, their “meeting noses” and

their “kissing with inside lip” at that moment. What Leontes describes

he has seen is probably his imagination turning kisses of greetings

into intimate gestures of their apparent love.

Leontes recognises the intimacy in Hermione and Polixenes’

relationship. He sees the holding of hands and the friendly

conversations they have together. This is the basic reason for Leontes

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