Jealous Of King Tut Research Paper

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Horemheb got jealous of King Tut’s fortune. Horemheb sees his chance and he pushes Tut of the building he was on and then fractures his knee from falling. When Tut tries to get up, Horemheb got hit the back of his skull and Tut get knocked out by the hit to the skull and he slowly dies from internal bleeding. Horemheb and Tey rule Egypt.

Horemheb is jealous of Tut. Tut was the ruler of Egypt. Tut had a gold tomb because of his fortune. And lastly, he was Akhenaten’s son. That is one reason he was killed.

Tut was pushed off a building. His knee was fractured. It had to have been fractured before he died. And to make matters worse, it was a perminate injury. That a way he might have killed.

Tut was hit in the back of his skull. There was

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