Jane Eyre and Tess of the D'Urbervilles

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Comparative Study - Jane Eyre and Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Comparison of Thomas Hardy's 'Tess of the D'Urbervilles' and 'Jane

Eyre' by Charlotte Brontë is possible as both authors were writing in

the same time period; therefore both books contain certain aspects

attributed to one genre: the Victorian Novel. However its is also

important to realise the differences between the books as well as the

similarities; the diversities are what give each novel its

individuality and make it distinct from other books by the same author

or included in the same genre.

The first chapter of a novel is always vital as it is essential in

capturing the reader and enticing them to read on. In addition, the

opening section plays a part in setting the tone of the novel; it is

the reader's first experience of the characters, location, background

and author's style. For this reason the first chapter is paramount in

alluring the reader to continue with the story. A view often

assimilated with the Victorian Novel genre is that of fatalism; in

both books being considered it is used to further the plot. Hardy was

known for his fatalistic outlook on life; this becomes apparent

through Tess's own fate - undelivered letters, misunderstanding and a

string of unfortunate coincidences all lead to her tragic end. Each

situation is a catalyst for the next, with Tess becoming a victim of

cruel fate: 'Tess had never before known a time in which the thread of

her life was so distinctly twisted of two strands, positive pleasure

and positive pain'.

This theme of coincidence and idea of fate; that there is a greater

power over humans that cannot be controlled, is echoed in 'Jane Eyre'.

Jane is subject to ill-fated situations through no faul...

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... father. In Brontë's 'Jane

Eyre' the unfair treatment of those that are supposed to love her and

care for her reflects situations that will occur later in the book,

however not as strongly implying as the hints in 'Tess of the

D'Urbervilles'. In both opening scenes the reader is witness to

seemingly small incidents that are to change the lives of the two

female heroines forever. For Jane it is the final straw when John

attacks her: her description of Bewick's 'History of British Birds'

discloses her state of mind: her head is full of images of shipwrecks,

storms, high mountains, death and disaster. For Tess's family it is

the tiny piece of wrong information that changes the Durbyfields

forever. Had the Parson been able to hold back his 'impulses' life

would not have changed for them in this way, leaving them subject to,

as Jane is, the cruel hand of fate.

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