Jane Eyre Character Analysis

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In Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, the main character, Jane, painted a colorful life for women in the 1800s. Being a book in the Gothic Romanticism era, Jane Eyre seems to be more than a ‘cinderella’ type novel. Yes, Jane grew up in an abusive household and she was lower class until she met Mr. Rochester, but she also exemplified a woman climbing the social ladder. Although, many women of the time could not move up in social rank without a man, Jane seems to defy those odds, like the gothic romance leading character she is. Within the book, social justice reoccurs in a timely fashion. After getting past the fact of the genre and ‘classic love story’ that shines throughout the novel, the character speak clearly of women and the social class. …show more content…

In a conversation between the two before their betrothal, Rochester treats Jane like she 's been a "dependent" who has done "her duty," and he, as her employer, wants to offer assistance in finding another job. Jane confirms her secondary status by referring to Rochester as "master," and believing her own wealth and morals separate from him. She fears he will treat her like an "automaton" because she is "poor, obscure, plain and little," mistakenly believing the lower class to be heartless and soulless. Rochester redefines Jane 's class status, by defining her as his "equal" and "likeness." Before becoming Rochester’s wife, Jane had to prove her acceptability based on class and merit. Does she have an upper-class sensibility, despite her inferior position at thornfield? When she was younger “Bessie sees Jane at Lowood, she is impressed because Jane has become "quite a lady"; in fact, her accomplishments surpass that of her cousins, yet they are still considered her social superiors based solely on wealth,” (Critical Essays). This emphasizes the ambiguities of Jane’s family’s class status and the class system in general. Should a lady be judged based on academics, money, or family name? The novel critiques the behavior of most the upper-class characters Jane meets. For example, Blanche shows her snobbish ways and has superficial actions, corruption runs rampant through John Reed, and Eliza Reed acts inhumanly cold. A primary character that shows upper-class debauchery by trying to add Jane to his harem of mistresses, Rochester tops the charts as Jane’s view of Thornfield shifts after Bertha burns it to the ground. Jane emphasizes the immense contrast between what she once saw as comforting and breathtaking, was now a waste ground. The discrepancy accentuates the world’s vision of the upper classes does not always capture the hidden fervor under the mask of

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