Jack The Ripper Research Papers

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D-Nice Brenner
English Comp.
14 December 15

Jack the Ripper
Jack the Ripper murdered five women between the 31st of August 1888 and the 9th of November 1888. They were murdered in Whitechapel and Spitalfields in the East end areas of London, England. The murderer was never caught and because of this, their are many speculations about the killer's personality and motives.
Naming Jack the Ripper
There has never been a killer in the British history that rivaled as much gruesome as Jack the Ripper, a multiple murderer whose boldness deified the entire police department of London and held the whole city in terror for as long as the murders lasted. From the testimony of the many eyewitnesses certain probabilities emerge about the killer. …show more content…

He published a book on January 1, 2014 about the famous murder Jack the Ripper called Naming Jack the Ripper. He bought a shawl, it was silk, large, damaged with pieces missing that has changed all history. The shawl had been passed down from the owner's family since the murder of Catherine Eddowes. Edwards did some research about Catherine's clothing he noticed Michaelmas daisies, after doing some research Edwards noticed the two dates people celebrated Michaelmas, one was the night of the double event and the other day was the night Mary Kelly was murdered. After meeting with a scientist Dr Jari Louhelainen did some examination on the shawl, finding out there was not only blood but with arterial blood splatter caused by slashing, and another stain, semen. Because of the age of the shawl they couldn't trace back any DNA. mitochondrial DNA which is passed from mother to daughter down the family tree. They found a women Karen Miller who was Eddowes great great great granddaughter. Miller agreed on giving them a sample of her DNA. Jari used nuclear magnetic resonance, and Edwards and Jari believed the shawl was made from the Huguenot silk weavers. The shawl was originated in the 1820’s, from a famous Russian shawl factory, Pavlovsky Posad. Aaron Kosminski a polish Jew, had fled London escaping russian pogroms years before the murders, was a main suspect to these murders. Edwards …show more content…

The shawl wasn't really a shawl unless Eddowes was extremely tall, thin and rectangular. Eddowes didn't own the shawl she pawned her own shoes walking around cold and whos knows with what filth and debris, in bare feet. If she owned such an expensive shawl, she would have sold that too. There is no records proving that the shawl was at the crime scene, also in the book it saying a police officer thought that a gift soaked in blood from a mutilated prostitute would impress his wife. How did the shawl get passed down through eddowes family if it was taken by the police officer. The shawl seems to be clean in pictures, if it was at the crime scene it would have been completely soaked in blood. The shawl was not at the crime scene, it was stolen by a policeman who wasn't there. It’s unbelieveable that the shawl has not been washed in over 126 years because people seemed to be so horrified by the blood stains. Who really knows that Catherine Eddowes blood is on the shawl or even Kosminski’s semen. The shawl was handled by two of Eddowes descendants also endless other people for photographs. Even Edwards had a picture taken with no sterile gloves, the shawl was touched breathed on and even spit on by numbers of people. It wouldn't come as a surprise is some of Eddowes dna was on it, it doesn't necessarily

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