JFK Argumentative Essay

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I've always lived in the era where news was harsh, fast, and never ending. The first major news story I can remember blaring from my mom's TV was about a high school near us. I had been home sick that day and missed being locked down with the rest of my elementary school buddies while two troubled high school kids ruined lives. I don’t know if the news coverage was the same in other states but I can remember by summer break still hearing about. It wasn't here or there. One public debate after the next on who was to blame, who wasn't and why it couldn't have been the kids faults. Even now they still bring it up and while I was not personally hurt by the actions of these kids I still have this pang. The News Media refuses to let the wounds heal. …show more content…

" For four days, starting with gunfire in Dallas and ending with Kennedy's funeral procession in Washington, major U.S. TV networks went live with wall-to-wall coverage, suspending commercials." (HERSKOVITZ) the only other event I can remember where commercials were canceled was the day of coverage of 9/11. You couldn't turn on the TV or Radio without being bombarded with images of those planes hitting the towers, the buildings collapsing, the death tolls. The declaration of war. It was there so real, so raw and you weren’t going to escape. the lunchroom was silent that morning. The shock felt throughout the school was palpable. by lunch it was so loud; the tears, the prayers, the news coverage.
JFK's assassination changed the way the media showed coverage, 9/11 changed the way in which they reported. No longer did news reporter care about the people, it was about the story. It was about getting the "truth" which differed for each station. The only thing that was clear was that the story was big and everyone needed a piece of it. Facts were not always needed, or checked, or approved. For days after 9/11 fear mongering was the reporters greatest tool. "Terrorism, War, Death" All trigger words that had us all glued to our respective stations. Being desensitized watching each plan hit the towers over and over. This isn't news its click bait for your brain, the better the shock factor the more viewers.

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