JD Personal Statement

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My wish to apply to the 2-Year JD Program for International Attorneys at University of Richmond School of Law is rooted in my desire to exceed in the global legal profession. I have come to recognize that a further legal education would enable me to advance in my career as an international lawyer, CEO of an energy corporation, as well as a financial analyst specialized in foreign direct investments, the formation of investment vehicles, and Public/Private Partnerships with the objective of bringing sustainable growth to developing nations. I am a believer and have the commitment to fighting for poverty reduction through legislation, policy, and investments. While I have participated in many international projects, from helping to improve the …show more content…

Having directed teams of analysts and legal consultants, as well as having worked in the diverse financial jurisdictions of Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cayman Islands, Mauritius, South Africa, the UK and the USA, I became familiar with the insights of international legislation and its impact on development. I have written and implemented legal, financial and business programs, dealt with governmental authorities and agencies, managed international projects and researched financial and legal compliance issues for governments, and multi-national businesses and organizations. With my global business understanding, a law degree, three masters degrees concentrating in International Business, conflict analysis, banking and international finance law, as well as multilingual abilities (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and German), it is my belief I can contribute a great deal to this JD Program by bringing a truly international perspective to it. Currently I am the CEO of Optimal Power and Energy Group of companies. Optimal Power and Energy is a full-service turnkey sustainable energy service provider. The company identifies, develops and finances viable renewable energy projects, with a particular focus on North and South America, as well as Africa. Its consulting arm, Asana Capital …show more content…

Amongst all of the courses I see, four of them are of particular interest to me. 1) Constitutional Law 2) Legislation and Regulation, 3) Contracts 4) Law of Clean and Renewable Energy. This degree can enhance my professional competence of effectively acting as a legal counselor in investment transactions, which can make a difference to the progress of the nations I work with. It would also allow me to further my understanding on how to help these countries to design stimulus packages influenced by our domestic legislation hence increasing investment, by domestic and multinational

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