J Pearson's Intentional Infliction Of Emotional Distress

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What is “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress?” (Medway 34) That is when a person “intentionally or recklessly engages in extreme and outrageous conduct that intends to cause, and causes severe emotional distress to another” (34) C.J Pearson is guilty of the charges of “Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress” for harassing Alex Billings. C.J Pearson is guilty without a doubt for two reasons, he intended to cause emotional distress through his MyFace postings, and that Alex Billings suffered severe emotional distress due to
Pearson’s harassment.
C.J Pearson intentionally caused emotional distress to Alex Billings during his MyFace postings. For instance on December 1, 2010 C.J Pearson uploaded an image for Alex Billings stating “THIS IS FOR YOU” (41) this image was not a joke, or a pacifistic prank. The image that was uploaded contained the picture of a gun. This must have terrified Alex Billings. The posting was Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress because it was posted with the intent of scaring Alex Billings. This supports my claim because C.J Pearson posted that image with a purpose his purpose was to harass Alex Billings. The result of his actions caused severe emotional distress to Alex Billings. …show more content…

CJ Pearson continually harassed Alex Billings this year and caused him to transfer. When Alex was planning to transfer over to St. Joseph Academy he received a psychological evaluation from a trained professional. The PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) test came positive with moderate to severe symptom rating. (47) What this means is that C.J Pearson had the audacity harassed Alex Billings to a point where he developed a severe mental health condition. This could affect Alex Billings for years. Alex Billings suffered severe emotional distress which is shown through his development of

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