J. Edgar Hoover And Communism In America

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J. Edgar Hoover passionately feared Communism. Communism was not only a threat to the American way of life that his ancestors has worked to ensure for generations in in careers as civil servants, but it was also a threat to his deeply rooted religious beliefs. On June 2, 1919 as a bomb was thrown into the home of Attorney General, Mitchell Palmer, Hoover was thrust into a crusade against communism. After the bombing, Palmer began his infamous “Palmer Raids” which resulted in the in the arrests of more than four thousand alien communists nationwide, as well as the deportation of hundreds more. Attorney General Palmer needed a forthright man to do the job and J. Edgar Hoover, who at the time was working for the Alien Enemy Bureau, fit the part. In his role as special assistant to the Attorney General of the United States, Hoover was delegated with an organizing and orchestrating the arrest and deportation of known foreign radicals without due process. In the aftermath of the unconstitutional raids, Mitchell Palmer was disgraced, but J. Edgar Hoover rose to prominence and in 1925 w...

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