Ivan The Great Turnip

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To a certain extent, the deceitful Germans and coercive Crimeans have make Russia submitted its power and paying a substantial amount of money to them. Consequently, the greatness of the Russian monarch had been diminished by the unlimited acquisitiveness of the Germans and Crimeans. Which prove to be detrimental to the Russia. The humiliation caused by The Germans outweighs the Crimeans.

Form the text, we can see that the author uses long, elaborated and decorative sentence structure to bring out his message. Hence, we know that he is highly educated. In addition to this, he clearly knows about the ongoing situation of the government and the enlightenment ideas which suggest that he is most probably a member of elites that had gone through …show more content…

Most people would agree that the three rulers of Russia had brought Russia from a backward country into one of the strongest nation in Europe and change Russian lives forever, but this is debatable.

The usable past “The Great Turnip” tells a story about Ivan the Terrible public image among the Russian. He will go to the Red Square in his free time and talks to commoners. As depicted in the story, he preserves the loyal righteous farmer and punish the greedy boyar. We can see that he has a reputation of being a just ruler that listen and attends to peoples’ needs. Peter the Great was called the Great simply because he made Russia modern and successful. His methods of westernizing Russia progress through brutality which undermined the results because it was too radical for traditional Russians to accept western ideas. His political enemies use an illustration of him as a cat being taken down by mice and accuse him as the antichrist incarnate which will eventually lead to apocalypse. As for Catherine the Great, a scene from the movie “Russian Ark” depicts Catherine in a theater watching theatrical performance. She seems uninterested in the performance and left the theater prematurely. Her act parallel with her westernized policy that some people called her ‘fake …show more content…

For the first time in Russian history advance weaponry were used in combat. He imported expertise from the Dutch to lay gunpowder weapons beneath the walls of the city of Kazan. Which turns out to be victorious after attacking the city continuously for 5 years. He becomes a national hero and his stature elevated to Ivan the Terrible. Terrible is to portray him as a formidable ruler that enemies fear. In Ivan’s “Good period”, he revised the law code of 1497 and came out with the law code of 1550. He is also the first ruler in Russia to establish the Zemskii Sobor a council which act like a ‘parliament’. Furthermore, Ivan won the Livonian war which gave him a port on the Baltic

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