It's Time To Take Away Sports In Schools

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Schools across the nation have thought about the idea of taking away sports for the benefit of teachers and students. Many studies have shown that grades improve by cancelling school sports. Therefore, schools should take away sports to help students receive higher grades on tests and schoolwork, allow them more free time, and cut costs for districts.

As many students know, high academic scores are hard to achieve when school sports are the main focus. According to an article by Amanda Ripley, at Premont Independent School District in Texas, “80 percent of students passed their classes, compared with 50 percent the previous fall” (11). In the same article, Jenny from South Korea who moved to the United States and was interviewed said, “sports are a big deal here” (10). This information shows that academics should be a priority for all schools, are far more important than sports, and will result in better scores. Clearly, with this mindset, learning is what school is all about and taking away sports would remove the distraction from striving for an increase in grades. …show more content…

According to Ripley, “Players spend long hours practicing, and that commitment extends to the rest of the school, from late-night band practices and pep rallies to meetings with parents” (11). Nathan, a football player at PISD, was interviewed in Ripley’s article and mentioned that taking a break from school allowed plenty of extra time (11). This data proves that sports are heavily weighted, and should be taken away to allow spare time for students and coaches. Apparently, sports take up a huge deal of time and taking them away would benefit schools in various

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