It's Impact On Communication: The Change Of Communication

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As a student here at Michigan State, I am studying communication. Communication is the most important life skill one can posses in any profession or relationship. Before doing my research I already had a sense about the change of communication. Communication in the world plays a dominant role and as it leads we have to follow. When I say this I mean as things are shifting we have to adapt as well. Technology has already had a huge impact on communication, and will continue to advance over the face of time. There could be many benefits we get from this, as it is easy to access information and even talk to people than it was back in the day. I feel that this has a big effect on me as well as others and shapes the way we connect with one another.
People are always looking for more convenient ways to communicate, but it is a double edge sword because the more technology advances, the further apart we drift away. Technology has made us more separate and selfish than ever because while it claims to connect us, our connection has gotten no better. The average person spends four years of their life looking down at a phone instead of engaging in human interactions. People would rather face time than have an actual face to face interaction. Face time is a video call allowing you to see the person you are talking to no matter where they are. For some it is less intimidating and more comfortable to video call instead of a face to face interaction, so I can understand its convenience. At the same time it takes away from genuine human connection. During an interview with Kahleed Thorp, One of the questions that I asked was do you think the development of technology and social media changed face to face interactions and the way we communicate? and he went on to say “Thanks to social media our friendships are more broken than ever because we sit at home on our computers measuring self worth by the number of followers and likes we can get, ignoring those who actually love us. It seems like we would rather write an angry post on twitter rather than talk to someone about what 's going on. So yes I do believe that the
Specific forms of social media change the way we are interacting with one another in a multitude of ways. Other benefits come with social media relationships and personal interactions as social media is used as an advantage to make it less complex to find your old friends and also discover new people to network with or introduce you to new matches. Starting with Facebook, I know a lot of users usually use this social network to stay connected with family and friends. Facebook reminds you of your family and friend’s birthday and helps you to keep in touch. Most of my family are active on Facebook even my great relatives and grandmother. Because there are a majority of people on facebook with family active they are more careful with how they socialize on there. Using myself for example I upload pictures of my accomplishments and best pictures. I feel that I am representing my family and I want them to be proud. When interacting with another I am always conscious of my image. I believe that anyone who knows they are being watched would act differently on facebook. They are putting out what they want you to see and what information they want out. Keeping up your online identity usually makes you feel good and more at ease as you are almost trying to portray a good life with good relationships. Sometimes having too much confident online can lead to you being very outspoken. I have witnessed people be

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