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In the story of The Three Skeleton Key written by George G. Toudouze it shows many petrifying experiences happening to the characters. Itchoua is a brave, strong Basque who visited an island just off the coast of Guiana for a couple of months. During his visit on the island, Itchoua and his friends faced many dangers and took life threatening risks. He shows many character traits of bravery through his physical description, personality and his actions toward many things. During his act of bravery, he went through many obstacles and hardships while battling the rats. He is a very heroic battler because of what he thinks, says and does in the story of Three Skeleton Key. All the risks Itchoua took while going through danger shows he’s brave by his personality, physical description and his actions.

Firstly, Itchoua is a brave veteran who overcame many terrifying experiences while fighting with many vicious rats. Throughout the story, Itchoua proved that he was brave by putting his life at risk for the safety of his friends, persevered even though he was unconsicous and that he has characteristics of a leader. When the chief cried, Itchoua ran immediately not thinking at all and went to help his friend at risk. He sacrificed his life to help his friends from the dangerous rats. He cared for his friends and never only thought about himself. He did what ever he could for the safety of his friends. He used all his strength by trying to kill as many rats as possible an...

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