Italo Calvino's Journey To The City

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Storyboard depiction of Cities and Memories
The storyboard depicts Italo Calvino’s telling of the city of Isidora, found in his book, Invisible Cities. The story is based on an old man who ventures back in time to visit the places in his memory that fulfilled his life’s desires. Through the use of the design elements, such as time, movement, hierarchy, and positive/negative space, the board leads the reader into the retelling of Weaver’s adventurous tale of this man’s greatest memories.
In the first slide, the old man has been rendered into the frame with a thought bubble that leads to the reminiscing of an adventure. Calvino tells of the “…[R]ide through wild regions…,” which began his journey to the city, and is the story behind the first slide. With the help of color and placement, hierarchy has been established for the old man to attract the reader’s attention and to drive them …show more content…

Calvino writes: “…[W]here perfect telescopes and violins are made...,” which I interpreted as a place where all a child’s desires of toys that are perfectly made can be fulfilled. The toy store is the first background that is given a higher hierarchy, with a full image of duller color. This is meant to show the vividness of the memories and the vibrancy of the store. The next level of hierarchy is the young boy. He is given full color and the colors are the most dominant in the frame.
Next, the fourth slide depicts the telling of the “the foreigner who hesitates between two women but encounters a third.” This frame employs color to establish a higher level of importance for the foreigner, who is dressed as a cowboy, and the French woman, who is ultimately the third. The lower level of hierarchy, which is in black and white, is the two women, the server, and their surroundings. This level also reveals clues to the misplacement of the cowboy’s

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